Friday, June 3, 2016

Grade 2 - Math - Comparison Bars

This is a list of the cases covered in the video Grade 2 - Math - Comparison Bars.

  1. Compare with Difference Unknown (how many more)
    Jeremy has 10 crayons. Amanda has 3.
    How many more crayons does Jeremy have than Amanda?
  2. Compare with Bigger Unknown (more)
    Noah has 10 more caps than Ben. Ben has 10 caps.
    How many caps does Noah have?
  3. Compare with Difference Unknown (how many fewer)
    Dan reads 9 books. Ana reads 11 books.
    How many fewer books does Dan read than Ana?
  4. Compare with Bigger Unknown (fewer)
    Jim has 5 fewer balls than Sadie. Jim has 9 balls.
    How many balls does Sadie have?
  5. Compare with Smaller Unknown (more)
    Nike hikes 12 miles. Nick hikes 4 more miles than Zia.
    How many miles does Zia hike?
  6. Compare with Smaller Unknown (fewer)
    Jen eats 2 fewer peas than Scott. Scott eats 9 peas.
    How many peas does Jen eat?

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